
The following list contains squeezes of hitherto published inscriptions (with the exception of our work in progress, marked by an asterisk *) which are preserved in the epigraphic archives of the Inscriptiones Graecae at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences. These archives have been founded in 1902 by Ulrich von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff. Their main stock are squeezes of the inscriptions published since then in the Inscriptiones Graecae series. From the others stand out the squeezes made by Peek (metrical inscriptions), Arvanitopulos (Thessaly), and Pomtow (Delphi) as well as squeezes of inscriptions from Magnesia, Priene, and Pergamum published under the patronage of the Berlin Museums.
The arrangement of the list is similar to the geographic distribution displayed in the Corpus Inscriptionum Graecarum: After Europe you will find Asia Minor, the Near East and Africa, followed by inscriptions of unknown origin preserved in museums and the Edictum Diocletiani. At the head of the European regions there are the inscriptions published in the Inscriptiones Graecae, then the addenda in alphabetical order of their first publications (see the list of abbreviations).
If nothing else is indicated squeezes of an inscription are supposed to be complete. That they are of varying quality is to be taken for granted.
Colleagues who are interested in consulting the squeezes are welcome to our archives. By the help of this list they are henceforth enabled to check in advance whether a squeeze is available here or not. For this purpose we recommend to use the list as follows: You may choose from the Index the region or publication you are looking for. The squeeze can be found by "Ctrl + F" and entering the name of the inscription with an additional blank after the number for the sake of unambiguity). Arrows => in front of quotations just indicate the place of a squeeze in our collection, so this reference is essential only for examining the squeeze itself.